In a previous blog post, Why you need to spend time alone, I wrote about the importance of finding confidence and joy within ourselves, rather than always depending on others to prop us up.

Finding ways to spend time with yourself isn’t as hard as you think it might be. As a coach, I find that there are so many ways to spend more meaningful time with yourself by putting your energy into things you love.

I want to make things easier for you. So, here are 50 things you can do alone by yourself.

One of the tools I used to plan out my time alone that goes beautifully with this list these Etsy journaling templates - a bit of a choose your diary adventure if you will, full of worksheets, journal and planner sheets to help you get organised and plan for a more intuitive life. Have a feel for each item on the list. Whatever you end up doing for yourself, be sure to listen to how you feel and make sure it lights you up from the inside out. 

Here are 50 things you can do alone to spend more time with yourself: 

1. Start a vegetable patch in your garden.

Or plant them in larger planter boxes if you don't have space.

Take time to research what plants or herbs would grow in your current season and area and enjoy the fruits of your harvest.

2. Bake or cook something that you’ve never made before.

I personally love flipping through old recipe books, searching for delicious treats.

3. Spend a day at a museum or art gallery.

A personal favourite of mine! I call this my creative date with myself.

4. Paint, draw, sketch or write.

Let your emotions and intuition guide you with this one.

For a meditative experiene, try a life drawing class!

Creative practices help us connect back to our inner child and evokes curiousity and playfulness.

5. Go to a farmer's market.

I love doing this on the weekends. Getting up early, basket in hand and stocking up on fresh, seasonal, organic produce and flowers.

6. Review and update your vision for yourself.

What does this future version of you look like?

Try this Vision Template* to write up a list of all the things I want to do each day, declare my dreams, plan out my vision and track my wellness habits.

7. Have dinner by yourself in a nice restaurant.

This may feel a little awkward to do the first time, however practice does make it easier.

After moving to Japan alone, I got used to eating at restaurants alone and deeply enjoying the experience too!

Take time to really enjoy the food and it’s nice to take yourself out on a date every once in a while.

8. Read a good book.

Read your favourite chapters from the books you love. Or go to the bookstore and pick out a new book; a new world to explore and immerse yourself into.

9. Go for a walk.

Best done in nature, outdoors and enjoy taking in the fresh air. Walking allows us to ground, ponder, tap into our creative energy and recharge.

10. Movie night in.

Make some popcorn, add your own toppings (be creative!) and have a movie marathon.

11. Listen to music

So often we listen to music whilst doing something else. We are only ever half listening, even though the experience may be enjoyable.

So consider trying this: Listen to an album from start to finish without doing anything else. Or find a playlist that resonates with how you are feeling.

12. Go out for a long Sunday brunch.

Bring a book, notebook or journal and enjoy!

13. Meditate, practice breathwork and tune into your intuition.

Sit, be still and devote time to listening to your breath. Try this Intuition Journal workbook* to help you tune in deeper to your intuition.

14. See a film at the cinema on your own.

This way you won't have to share your popcorn. Plus you get to watch the film you want!

15. Do a grocery shop at a local or organic grocer.

Going out of your way to intentional do something that is a little different can bring a new perspective into your normal habits (like doing the groceries).

Splurge on small grocery item or try something you new.

16. Start a kitchen herb garden.

Create a mini herb garden that can sit on your windowsill. This is perfect for small apartments. Most herbs are quite hardy and will last throughout the year. And wouldn’t it be lovely to serve yourself dinner with herbs you’ve grown?

17. Create a mixed tape or a playlist

Or even make ones that suit all your different moods and seasons.

Or make one for your favourite daily activities - morning ritual, exercise, studying, work, gardening, reading and evening ritual!

18. Take your bike for a leisurely ride

Visit little scenic spots along the way or try out a new cafe.

19. Rearrange your wardrobe or curate your capsule wardrobe.

Discover old clothes again. It’ll be like you had a new wardrobe without even knowing it!

I love doing this seasonally and curating my perfect capsule wardrobe.

20. Clean and organise things around your home.

Try using Marie Kondo's KonMari method for decluttering in order to spark joy! Make room for the new by clearing out the old.

Donate, sell or repurpose what you no longer use.

21. Visit the florist.

Pick out a bunch of flowers for your bedside table. Use your good vase!

22. Create a calming space in your home.

This could be for working on your hobbies or projects.

23. Create a beautiful meditation or spiritual corner.

This is perfect for smaller homes. Make a little altar for your crystals, meditation bowl and candles.

This can become a space where you sit each day to tune in.

24. Donate to charity.

Take all your old clothes, books and furniture and donate these things to charity or non for profit organisastion.

Or make a list for the charities you would like to support and volunteer at on a regular basis that aligns with your values and mission.

25. Create an impact driven business or passion project.

Infuse your passion and energy into something that is a reflection of you and the change you want to see in the world. Bring to life that dream or idea that you have been sitting on for the last few years.

Feeling like you may be ready for this transformation? Learn more about working with me on this here!

26. Make a terrarium or repot your plants.

For a terrarium, add in a selection of succulents and moss as well as other interesting little objects to create a magical plant world.

Or repot your plants so their roots have more space to stretch and new soil!

26. Go somewhere in the city.

Explore a place in your city that you have never been to before.

27. Go to a gig, enjoy the music and dance like crazy.

Find a gig or event that piques your curiousity and have a night out on the town!

28. Explore your astrology chart.

I love this astrology app. Alternatively, you could do a tarot card or oracle deck spread.

29. Send a handwritten letter.

When was the last time we actually wrote a letter using our hands rather than sending a quick message on our phones? Write to a friend, lover or family member.

Make it a bit extra by using some of the nice stationary you have collected but never got the chance to use!

30. Create a moodboard to help visualise.

One of the most potent tools for visualisation meditation I have used in my life.

I love updating mine every quarter and refining it further to give clarity to what I want to manifest. Bring your next adventure to life. Try this Inner Wisdom Journaling Kit*

31. Make an Acai bowl or smoothie bowl.

Make your breakfast a little bit extra today. Top with fruit, yoghurt, superfoods and granola.

Check out these cute breakfast bowl recipes from Alison Wu.

32. Take a bath.

Add some essential oils and herbs like sage, camomile or peppermint and light a candle or two!

Whenver I travel back to Japan, I love purchaing small packets of bath salts from the onsens I visit. Using these in my bath always brings back memories of the places I have been.

33. Do a face mask.

Make one from the ingredients in your kitchen!

Combine 1 tablespoon of honey, a banana and a few drops of lemon, mix it up and apply to your face.

34. Roll out your yoga mat.

Do yoga to rejuvenate, energise and relax.

Need more guidance? Try one of these from my Yoga Playlist on Youtube.

Even if it is for only 10 minutes!

35. Think of 50 questions or a topic that you would love to learn more about.

Look up the answers online, visit your local library or sign up for a mini course to expand your knowledge on a particular topic.

36. Do a gentle juice cleanse for the day.

This one requires a bit more planning but can be a wonderful way to rejuvenate your energy in between seasonal changes.

37. Rearrange things in your room.

As a bonus: try using Feng Shui to bring more light, flow and harmonious energy to your space.

38. Give an old chest of drawers some fresh paint.

Replace the doorknobs in your house with vintage ones. Do some light home improvement to bring new life to a treasured piece.

39. Give yourself a mini-home-retreat weekend.

Eat healthy food, go for a massage, spoil yourself and really relax!

We all need self-care weekends.

40. Sleep, doze or power nap

Make sleep your priority. Create a night ritual to promote easeful, deep sleep.

41. Sip a cup of tea or brew a good cup of coffee.

And look out the window. This is a must for my weekend and for whenver I am feeling overwhelmed with work.

42. Go to the park or nature spot.

Pack some homemade sandwiches, bring a picnic blanket and a good book.

43. Catch up on a favourite blog post or podcast.

How could we consume information with greater consciousness, instead of swiping through to the next thing.

Consuming longer form content can help us refine our focus and concentration. It beckons us to consume with depth, rather than breadth.

44. Travel or go on a day trip.

I love travelling on my own because it really pushes me to live outside my comfort zone, to trust my intuition and to learn more about myself.

For smaller day trips, I love exploring smaller country towns or quaint villages close to nature and browing the local stores filled with seasonal, local produce, handmade items and antiques.

45. Give yourself a manicure.

Try a different style like Leopard prints, marbling effects, dots etc. Personally love this non-toxic, kind brand for nail polish.

46. Wake up early to see the sunrise.

Or make time at dusk to catch the sunset and live with the rhythm of nature. Allow your energy and eyes to adjust to the changes in the day.

I can recommend exploring the Ayurvedic concept of Dinacharya for this practice.

47. Journal and daily reflection.

Journaling in the morning can help set the tone for the rest of my day. Try this free 10 day journaling course* for prompts to connect inwards, or these journaling templates*.

And for folks who want more structure to their journaling practice, try bullet-journaling.

48. Take a creative class or workshop.

Sign up for an online course or take a workshop on any topic you have the interest to learn more about. This could be doing a class in pottery, photography, woodworking, design, stainglass making or bookbinding!

49. Take a photo to depict each hour in your day.

This is a fun, creative project that reminds us to find the beauty in the mundane, ordinary or things we take for granted.

50. Make a gratitude list.

Add to this list or gratitude jar. Every time you experience deep gratitude, write it down and add it to your list or put it onto a piece of paper and add it to your gratitude jar.

I like to fill my gratitude jar with a crystal and other affirmation quotes too!

Remember this list when you feel unhappy and read through it. It’ll instantly cheer you up and help put things in perspective.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this list - don't! It's not about ticking everything off, but taking the time to find the things that bring you joy in your day. Even if it is just one simple 10 minute ritual or activity. Perhaps you will have found some new things to try from this list or discovered old hobbies you had forgotten. 

Please note: Links with the * asterisk denotes that these are my own offerings.

For additional help with journaling and reflection, sign up below to get your journaling templates for consicous creatives.

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A podcast for conscious and purpose-led business owners that explores intentional branding, business and mindset.

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Delve Deeper

The Intuion Journal

Winner of best product of the year 2021, Beautiful You Coaching Awards
Intuition Journal Jo Chunyan

Cultivate clarity, connection and creativity by delving into your inner wisdom with The Intuition Journal.

A calming guided journaling workbook for creatives, spirited seekers and intentional business owners.

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  • STEP 2: If we're a good fit to work together, I'll send you a link to book in a free 30-minute call for us to chat and delve deeper into your vision for your project, your brand and your goals.

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Want the details on how we could co-create together? Download my Pricing & Services Guide.

5 day intuition journaling mini course
What you will learn:
  • How to build a ritual of intuitive journaling.
  • How to carve a daily ritual for connection for clarity, focus and energetic alignment.
  • How to make decisions from a place of connection and consciousness.

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Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
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Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
Training: Get your product into the hearts & carts of your customers
What you will learn:
  • Strategy 1: How to visually create differentiation and stand-out for your product within a saturated niche.
  • Strategy 2: How to gain cost and time efficiencies by choosing the right packaging architecture system for your product range.
  • Strategy 3: How to define your Core Purchase Drivers that your customers need to see on your packaging.

By submitting your form, you permit us to get in touch with you via email and send you additional brand and packaging design resources and tips for visionary, conscious biz owners. We respect your privacy and will never spam you or share your details. Unsubscribe any time.

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Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Clarify and define your business' vision
Clarify and define your business' vision
What you will cultivate:
  • A practice for reflection and Create a vision for your business.
  • A connection with your intuition on daily business for making aligned business decisions.

By submitting your form, you permit us to get in touch with you via email and send you additional brand and packaging design resources and tips for visionary, conscious biz owners. We respect your privacy and will never spam you or share your details. Unsubscribe any time.

✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
Training: Discover your brand's personality archetype blend
What you will learn:
  • Step-by-Step method: For defining your brand's unique archetype blend.
  • Examples: How to apply the personality archetype system to your brand.
  • 3 common mistakes: to avoid when expressing our brand's personality and voice.

By submitting your form, you permit us to get in touch with you via email and send you additional brand and packaging design resources and tips for visionary, conscious biz owners. We respect your privacy and will never spam you or share your details. Unsubscribe any time.

✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
✴︎ Free ✴︎
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
Packaging Checklist: must-have content for your product launch
This Packaging Checklist is divided into 3 parts:
  • PART 1: Covers the must-have content specific to each product SKU.
  • PART 2: Covers the company and business info that all your products packaging should include.
  • PART 3: Content and visual elements unique to your brand that can differentiate your product for maximum stand-out in a saturated niche.

By submitting your form, you permit us to get in touch with you via email and send you additional brand and packaging design resources and tips for visionary, conscious biz owners. We respect your privacy and will never spam you or share your details. Unsubscribe any time.

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Jo ChunYan is a bespoke packaging & branding design studio for visionary founders. We acknowledge the Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin Nation and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.