My Chakra meditation and visualisation practice is one of my favourite mindful morning rituals. It helps me ground, focus and reset my energy for the day ahead. It is a practice that I have created, shaped over the years and has played a significant role in guiding me through building an intentional business and brand.

Every time I do this meditation, I feel more deeply connected to my purpose and vision; not just for my business but how everything integrates back into my life. The purpose of this meditation is to observe how each chakra point feels and the emotions and energy that arises. What is your body trying to tell you in each moment? And what insight or clarity can you glean from this?

A Chakra, derived from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. It is an energy centre in your body that your prana or energetic life-force moves through. There are seven major Chakra centres in your body. Keeping them in flow, in alignment and open allows for your prana to flow freely, bringing vitality and a sense of connectedness, contentment and well-being.

Step One

For your meditation, seek a quiet space where you can sit in stillness without interruption (if only for a few minutes).

Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths into your navel. Visualise your inhale breath moving from your Crown Chakra (top of your head) down through your body towards your Base Chakra (base of your spine). Exhale the breath through your Base Chakra and into the earth. Continue this breathing pattern until you feel centred and relaxed. Bring your awareness first to your Base Chakra and move up through each of your 7 Chakras towards your Crown Chakra.

Step Two

Observe any emotions that arise and the energy it holds and become aware of any vibrational changes. You may like to visualise the colour relating to this Chakra.

How does the colour emanate from your Chakra in your mind’s eye? Is it a soft glow or is it fierce and burning? Is it hazy or is there clarity?

Soften into your emotions.

Do your feelings change in intensity or do they move to another part of your body? Follow it with a gentle curiosity. Does it feel light, expanded and open or does it feel contracted, closed and tight?

Even if it doesn’t feel like anything, sit with this numbness and lean into it. Perhaps you received a message from your higher self in the form of visual imagery, audio and other sensations too. Allow your senses to guide you intuitively. What is your intuition telling you? For example, if my Heart Chakra feels light and playful, then it means that I am experiencing the world with open-hearted, childlike curiosity.

Step Three

Once you have meditated on all 7 Chakra points, bring your awareness to your entire body. Then bring your awareness to your energetic field which sits outside your body, and then into the room or space where you are.

To close the meditation, give gratitude for your practice.

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Jo ChunYan is a bespoke packaging & branding design studio for visionary founders. We acknowledges the Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin Nation and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.